We will be having another 24 hours of prayer and fasting, but this time we are going to open up the church for prayer and worship TOGETHER!
Here is what you need to know:
We invite everyone to begin their fast at 10:00 am on Nov. 13th and we will break our fast together with Communion on Sunday morning during service.
As you are in prayer on this day, reflect on and pray through Psalm 145 and John 4:23-24. Pray that we would be a church that worships in SPIRIT and TRUTH!
The church doors will be open at 10:00am on Nov. 13th and will stay open until after service on Sunday... come anytime!
There will be live worship lead by different people every hour. To sign up to lead for an hour time slot, click the button below or find the sign-up sheet located in the lobby of the church.
Here is what you need to know:
We invite everyone to begin their fast at 10:00 am on Nov. 13th and we will break our fast together with Communion on Sunday morning during service.
As you are in prayer on this day, reflect on and pray through Psalm 145 and John 4:23-24. Pray that we would be a church that worships in SPIRIT and TRUTH!
The church doors will be open at 10:00am on Nov. 13th and will stay open until after service on Sunday... come anytime!
There will be live worship lead by different people every hour. To sign up to lead for an hour time slot, click the button below or find the sign-up sheet located in the lobby of the church.